San Juans Cellular Map for Boaters
August 16, 2020
Over the last year I’ve started recording cellular signal strength and download speeds in the anchorages we’re in. While previously we were happy to have some time away from the Internet, recently it’s become more important…
How to Grow an Herb Garden on a Boat
July 6, 2020
We’ve been meaning to try growing herbs on our sailboat for a while now, and with the coronavirus pandemic sending us into full-on social distancing mode in March, this year was the perfect opportunity. We knew we might not…
A Trip Around Whidbey: Circumnavigating the Largest Island in Washington
June 14, 2020
Circumnavigation is a term typically used for rounding the entire globe – but it can also be used for simply rounding an island. Boaters here often say they circumnavigated Vancouver Island, because that’s a significant…
Life at Anchor: Coronavirus Thoughts and Categories of Cruisers
May 10, 2020
We’ve been mostly at anchor for over a month now, and social distancing for over 2 months. Washington State is starting its 3rd month of modified social behaviors (the Stay-At-Home order was mid-to-late March, but we started…
Cruising Stories,Seamanship & Navigation
Heavy Air in Hecate Strait: Wild Wind & Waves in the Teeth of a Gale
November 5, 2019
Writing about our rough crossing of Hecate Strait isn’t something that comes easily—it’s actually a memory I’d rather not relive. Learning from your mistakes is an important trait of successful sailors, though, and the…
Transition to Winter: Slowing down and finding balance
November 1, 2019
It’s been a bit over a month now since we stopped full-time cruising (after being at anchor 95% of the time for 6 months!) and holed up in a marina for a break. I know there are some sailors that spend northwest winters at…
A sailing adventure up Dean Channel, Central Coast of BC
June 9, 2019
As we pulled into Eucott Bay, the aroma of evergreen trees from the forest on our port side was so strong it felt like I was at a Christmas tree farm. Soon we noticed two small black bears on the grassy shore near the…
Boats, AKA Infinite Work Machines
March 23, 2019
It never ceases to amaze how a boat is a Pandora’s box of unending projects. As soon as you start working on your list, five new issues pop up to make the list longer and replace the ones you finished. A boat is like a…
Cruising Guides and Sailing Books We Use Onboard
February 21, 2019
Recently some other Pacific Northwest cruisers have reached out to me asking which cruising guides we used for our passage north last year. It can be tricky choosing cruising guides because the older ones tend to get out of…