Cruisers visiting Desolation Sound should now more easily be able to identify 140 permanent stern-tie locations.
Our friends at the BC Parks Forever Society are constantly working for for the good of cruising boaters that visit BC Provincial Marine Parks. After becoming aware of the issue that cruisers were having difficulty identifying the stern tie locations, the good folks at BC Parks Forever Society have taken steps to work with a local problem to upgrade the stern ties to be more easily visible from your boat.
Here’s their update for August 2021:
From 2015 to 2018, 186 stern tie pins, chains and ID plates were installed in 9 BC marine parks, all funded by Marine Parks Forever Society.
They were an immediate success, enthusiastically welcomed by all the boaters that discovered and used them.
However, the one negative comment was about the inability to be clearly visible with the galvanized pins and chains blending with the granite rock background, rendering them virtually invisible at more than 50 meters.
I am pleased to advise that 140 locations in Desolation Sound have now been upgraded by the local contractor with the materials supplied and installation costs funded by the Society with funds donated by boaters.
Boaters expressed their appreciation for this upgrade and for the stern ties over all during the installation process.
This is what boaters should see:
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