Reach more people with your boat for sale or other classified listing

Choose between Online Only or Online + Print classifieds.

All printed ad submissions are due by the 10th of the month to guarantee placement in the next month’s issue.
Ads submitted after the 10th will appear in the issue after that (example: An ad submitted on April 10th will be featured in the May issue. An ad submitted on April 11th will run in the June issue). Online ads will be posted after a brief review period.

We can only accept payment for personal classifieds through online submissions. We no longer accept checks.

We can only accept personal classifieds through online submission.
If you are a business looking to place a classified, please contact

Reach more people with your boat for sale or other classified listing

Your Online Classified will be listed on our Classified Ads page after a brief review period. Ads are automatically renewed each month.

We can only accept personal classifieds through online submission.
If you are a business looking to place a classified, please contact Ryan Carson at She is ready to help you with your classified advertising needs.

Purchase Your Classified Ad

All listings are displayed on our online classifieds page.
Please note that listings are for one month only. You will receive an email to renew your listing each month based on your original purchase date.

Print + Online

1 month
$45per month
  • 5 Images Online // 1 Image Printed
  • 400 Characters (about 60 words, editable at any time)
  • Printed Listing in Magazine
  • Manual renewal each month

Online Only

1 month
$25per month
  • 5 Images
  • 400 Characters (about 60 words, editable at any time)
  • Online Only
  • Manual renewal each month

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! We offer a different rate for businesses. Please reach out to Ryan Carson at for more information.

Your ad will run for 1 month at which time you will receive an email prompting you to log in and renew it or cancel it. If you take no action, you will not be charged again. If you prefer, we can process your cancellation on your behalf. Contact for this service. We are unable to process your renewal on our end. You must log in to do so.

Directions for renewing or cancelling your classified ad:

  1. Visit the online Listing Dashboard and log in. You will need the login information you used to create the listing.
  2. Select “subscriptions” from the lower menu
  3. Click on the ID number of the subscription you wish to change.
  4. On this page, you will be able to renew or cancel your subscription using the buttons in the “Actions” section.

Click here for our full Terms & Conditions.

Please email us at We will remove the ad or put a SOLD banner.

Online classifieds are listed at

If you didn’t get your print classified ad in before the 10th, there is still a chance it will make it into the upcoming issue. If not, it will run in the proceeding issue.

Online classifieds can feature up to 5 photos. Print classifieds will feature one photo—we select the best one from your uploaded photos.

If you are having trouble uploading your images please email us at and we will assist you.

Unfortunately we are no longer accepting check payments. If you are having trouble logging into your account or forgot your password, please email for assistance.