A New Hobie and ILCA Builder with PNW Ties

Kurt Hoehne, small boat enthusiast, accomplished writer and editor, yacht broker, and the person behind the excellent website sailish.com, shares his perspective about the news that Starting Line Sailing (parent company for…

West Coast Sailing and Zim Sailing Named Official Suppliers of the Inter-Collegiate Sailing Association

West Coast Sailing joins its affiliate Zim Sailing in a new sponsorship agreement for college sailing across the United States. A few months ago, we helped get the word about about a new holding company making waves in the…

West Coast Sailing Joins Zim and Dwyer to Create New Company, Starting Line Sailing

Starting Line Sailing, Inc. Acquires Zim Sailing and Dwyer Mast & Rigging; combining forces with West Coast Sailing. No doubt this is one of the cooler developments in the recreational sailing biz recently, and it…