Close to the Water: Escape to the Lake

Bill rolls his boat down the gravel ramp…

#TBT: Portland’s ‘Witches on the Willamette’ Rules the River

Happy Halloween! In our latest Throwback Thursday, we're reminded of the spooky scene at last year's annual SUP witch paddle in Portland. After a week of unrelenting rain, I woke up to a sunny Saturday before Halloween that…

Close to the Water: The Old-Fashioned Way

Navigating the waters of the Pacific Northwest with simplicity and satisfaction

Close to the Water: Other Boats

My old college friend and I were eager to get away and forgot the daily details that usually preoccupy us. And as we slowly ghosted into Jones Island’s broad horseshoe-shaped cove, I knew we’d chosen the right spot. An…

Close to the Water: The Dock

The author does a test launch of his new Portage…

Close to the Water: Looping the Island

At 20 miles around, Harstine Island could be circumnavigated with a powerboat in an hour. But freeway speeds yield freeway views: a blur of trees, missed inlets, and a flash of homes. A slower speed suits me better, one that…

Close to the Water: A Second Cruise with My Mate

A Second Cruise Brings Border Crossings, Uncertainty, and Lessons Learned.

Close to the Water: Cruising With My Mate

Sailing Luna westward through the San Juan Islands on…

Close to the Water: Finding Awe in the New Year

As boaters, we get to see the world from a unique perspective. We arrive in cities or towns by water, taking in the view of cliffs, trees, and mountains rising from the earth. Out on a bay, river, or lake, the glint of the…

Close to the Water: The Flip

Almost over, the flipping crew’s coordination paid off. It…