Introduction to Vessel Running Lights (Navigation Lights)

Navigation lights help identify vessel type and its direction of motion.  The required lights are specified in the Navigation Rules, Part C, Rules 20 to 31.  Power vessels in Rule 23 and sailing vessels in Rule 25 are the…

A Trip Around Whidbey: Circumnavigating the Largest Island in Washington

Circumnavigation is a term typically used for rounding the entire globe – but it can also be used for simply rounding an island. Boaters here often say they circumnavigated Vancouver Island, because that’s a significant…

Port Townsend Sailing Association to Resume Limited Racing

Limited Racing to Resume Good news! Since Jefferson County has gone to Phase Two of Governor Inslee’s Safe Start plan we believe there is an opportunity to restart limited racing. Phase 2 allows for groups of up to…

Internet Aboard: Testing New Routers and Antennas

48° North columnist Steve Mitchell gives the latest on staying better connected aboard There has been a lot going on lately, and I wanted to provide an update on what I am working on and testing. My primary focus has been on…

Secret Behind Portland’s Marine Graffiti

Graffiti found at Portland's loading docks is more than it appears The Lower Willamette River is known for its Superfund site and industrial loading docks. There is no natural shoreline, just huge vertical piers. It’s an…

Life at Anchor: Coronavirus Thoughts and Categories of Cruisers

We’ve been mostly at anchor for over a month now, and social distancing for over 2 months. Washington State is starting its 3rd month of modified social behaviors (the Stay-At-Home order was mid-to-late March, but we started…

Social Distancing and the Navigation Rules

These sad times have introduced a new terminology to the public called "social distancing," but this is not a new concept to mariners familiar with the Navigation Rules. We call it "close-quarters." Its goal is precisely the…

The Mariner’s Sky: Northern Sky

We have a new Regiment of the North Star that can be used for finding latitude from Polaris without the official USNO annual nautical almanac. It can be used anytime you see Polaris, on any date or year. The method relies on…

Galley Delights: ‘Roccan Tomato Soup

A simple blend of peanut butter and tomatoes creates a…

Safety Equipment Requirements for Sailing and Racing the Salish Sea

By Roland Nikles Thunderbird 1177 “Falcon” More than seven million people live in the Salish Sea basin, which contains two of North America’s most vibrant and growing cities. We spend most of our time in a built world, in…