It’s an exciting day! Today we celebrate the new co-owners of Argon, a 1979 San Juan 24 moored on Lake Union in the heart of Seattle. Like many new boat owners, these four women are at an exciting moment where they have a boat, a willingness to learn and a lot of adventure ahead.
I am always amazed by how many people buy sailboats without knowing how to sail yet. It’s a brave, bold and downright badass move. What determines if they stick with it and enjoy that bold move is what comes next. How they get through the very real challenges of sailing, boat ownership and being on the water.
More than anything, I want this fine crew to not only learn to sail but to thrive and have a shit ton of fun doing it. Sam, who originally purchased Argon a couple years ago, has come so far as a sailor. I can’t imagine a better person to show new owners Libby, Jasmine and Olivia what I believe to my core: Anyone can learn to sail and it is worth the challenge and reward.
Boating knowledge is often passed on from one person to another. Sam has called me her “sailing sensei,” meanwhile I consider my older brother Chris and friend Kemp my own “sailing senseis.” A great way to get better at boating is to talk with, ask questions and listen to friends, mentors or instructors. It can also save a new sailor from some common mishaps.
Cara Kuhlman
Cara Kuhlman is a Seattle based writer, sailor, and craft beer enthusiast. See more of her work at