After an unusual last year for the Corinthian Yacht Club of Seattle, the club and Seattle area sailors celebrate a beautifully redone clubhouse and the kickoff of the 2021 keelboat racing season.
The much beloved Corinthian Yacht Club of Seattle clubhouse has undergone a complete refit over the winter and returned to its slip at Shilshole Bay Marina in early February. As of this writing, internal detailing and cleanup work remains to be completed, and of course Covid-19 social distancing protocols will delay its full reopening in the near term.
That said, the club looks forward to hosting the usual array of amazing events later this year, and for many years ahead — all in an elegantly updated facility. CYC extends a sincere thank you to the many donors and volunteers who made this much needed renovation a reality.
Blakely Rock Race this Saturday

Additionally, CYC will once again be (safely!) hosting the celebration of spring on Puget Sound: the Center Sound Series. Kicking off the annual return of keelboat racing is the Blakely Rock Race on Saturday, March 6, 2021. The following Saturday, March 13, is the Scatchet Head Race. The series concludes on March 27 with the Three Tree Point Race.
This year, CYC races will be offering a Shorthanded Division, an exciting new development that complements the new Puget Sound Pursuit shorthanded distance race over Memorial Day weekend.
CYC races will be conducted safely and in compliance with existing Covid-19 regulations and guidance. The Club urges all CYC race participants to review the current phase and compliance requirements as part of their regular race preparations. Please check the CYC website for more information and details about registering for the Center Sound Series.
Title background photo by Annie Sorensen.

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