Sunset over Hvar shows how beautiful the Croatian coastline truly is.
Sunset over Hvar harbor shows how beautiful the Croatian coastline truly is.

Croatia Chartering Seminar and Planning Party Happy Hour for Our 2020 Flotilla!

As you may have read, 48° North and the Northwest Maritime Center (NWMC) put together a nine-boat charter flotilla in Croatia in 2019. Simply put, cruising in Croatia blew our minds. So, we are thrilled to be going again in 2020.

Since it is Seattle Boat Show Week here in Pacific Northwest, you have some opportunities to learn more about the Croatian charter experience, which we hope inspire you to go sailing along the exquisite Dalmatian Coast, either on your own or perhaps with our 2020 flotilla.

The Adriatic is a terrific place to sail and charter.
The Adriatic is a terrific place to sail and charter.

Chartering in Croatia Seminar with 48° North Editor, Joe Cline, and Captain Kristin Pederson

One of the perennial attractions at the Seattle Boat Show is the terrific array of seminars that are included in the purchase of a ticket. This year is no different, with some of the region’s most notable and experienced adventurers sharing information about everything from cruising to Alaska to re-powering you boat, and everything in between.

On Tuesday January 28, 2020, from 4:15pm to 5:00pm, Joe Cline and Kristin Pederson—who each skippered boats on the 48N/NWMC Flotilla in 2019 and will again in 2020—will share their experience of exploring the electric-blue Adriatic by boat. Subject matter will cover everything from getting there to the charter-base protocols, from navigation to history, from destination highlights to culture and cuisine… all with the intent to inspire you to put this bucket-list boaty vacation on your calendars ASAP!

The seminar will take place at the Seattle Boat Show, on Stage #3 in the North Hall. For more information on all the seminars at the Seattle Boat Show, explore

The dreamy port village of Maslinica.
The dreamy port village of Maslinica.

2020 Croatia Flotilla Happy Hour

Immediately following their seminar, Joe and Kristin will make their way to Jimmy’s on First (just across the street from the southwest corner of the Boat Show at 1046 1st Ave S, Seattle). We will have an informal Planning Party Happy Hour for any seminar attendees or anyone else who is interested in learning more about our 2020 Flotilla in Croatia. You do not have to be registered for the trip to attend!

Kristin Pederson's Flotilla Crew in Croatia
Kristin Pederson’s Flotilla Crew in Croatia in 2019.

Not Attending, No Problem!

If attending these events in person is not possible, please check out the information on this site, and read Joe’s feature about the experience that was in the January issue of 48° North. Then contact Joe (, or the Flotilla Mastermind herself, Barb Trailer (

Also, be sure to get notifications about the details on our Croatia Flotilla Event Page on Facebook.