The Fisher motor-sailer owners of the Salish Sea will once again gather for a rendezvous to celebrate these unique vessels and the community that enjoys them.
With its design roots in the fishing vessels of Scotland and Scandinavia made to thrive in the North Sea, Fisher motor-sailors are stout and timeless double-ended designs. They have a devoted following around the globe, including here in the Pacific Northwest. The Fisher Owners group for this region has been gathering for an annual rendezvous since 2001, and they’re back at it this summer, planning a great event for July.
For 2024, the group will return to beautiful Port Browning on North Pender Island in BC’s Gulf Islands, a site where they previously rendezvoused for their 10th anniversary meet-up. The resort includes land base “glamping” as well as camping and caters to families during the summer holidays. The marina is undergoing improvements with the addition of new docks as well as bike, kayak, and frisbee golf rentals. Port Browning is a great place to stock up with a supermarket, bookstore, liquor store and bakery, as well as various shops that cater to residents and boaters alike.
The rendezvous is all about friends, food, and Fishers — what could be better?

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