America’s Boating Club of Deception Pass and the Oak Harbor Yacht Club are sponsoring a marine buy-sell-swap meet on Saturday, June 8 at the Oak Harbor Yacht Club from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event will also feature low-cost, clean and inspected crab gear for sale.
Club Commander Jerry Liggett noted that this is a community member event for marine and boating-related items only, and no professional vendors will be allowed. He added, “Bring cash and stock up on used and useful tools, marine hardware, supplies and more. For those of you looking to reduce the amount of your boating ‘stuff’, this is the place to bring it!”
Liggett reminds boaters that the crab pot sale has become a highly anticipated, regular community event. He predicts the crab gear will go fast. It is clean and inspected, and includes the pot, approximately 80 feet of leaded line, new rot cord, bait bags or boxes, and Washington State legal floats in the size and color required. The pots are priced starting at $25, ranging up to $50 for stainless steel pots. Cash or checks made out to DPSPS will be accepted, and no credit or debit card transactions are available. Due to popular demand, no early-bird shoppers will be admitted, and pots are limited to first-come, first-served. “The cost to buy the gear brand new could easily exceed one hundred dollars. Just add bait and you are crabbing!”
For those wishing to sell marine-related items, the boating club recommends bringing your own setup materials, such as tarps, tents, tables, etc. They will not be provided. Setup starts no earlier than 9:30 a.m. and space must be vacated by 2:30 p.m. The club provides no payment systems, and there is no wifi on site. Participants must bring their own change and decide their own credit card or check policies.
For more information regarding this event, please email

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