Multihull Youth SAIL Foundation (MY SAIL) put the exclamation point on a breakout year at an October work party.
Huge demand for its programs coupled with growth in its fleet of boats left the non-profit with a daunting list of repairs and upgrades in preparation for next season. With no paid staff, the logical thing to do was to call a work party.
The result was something even the organizers could not have dreamed up. Twenty-five volunteers showed up – 8 of them youth – on Saturday, Oct. 17 to work on boats and trailers, and build carports for winter storage. It became evident early in the day that this would not be any ordinary work party. An energy rose soon after the 10 a.m. start to transcend the various tasks into a full-blown barn raising. Everyone got involved.
Out of the day MY SAIL was able to get three trailers road-worthy, build five carports for winter storage, bring three new boats into the fleet, and repair another five. It is uplifting to see what can be done when enough good people set their mind to it. Thanks to all who supported the wonderful day.
About MY SAIL:
There has been a long-standing void in support of youth multihull sailing. Many sailors want to grow the sport for the next generation, but have few outlets to do so. Enter MY SAIL!!
The Multihull Youth SAIL Foundation (MY SAIL) was formed in April, 2018 to provide a vehicle for multihull enthusiasts to build the next generation of sailors. Incorporated under IRS schedule 501(c)3, MY SAIL is a tax-exempt, non-profit foundation.
The purpose of the Foundation shall be to introduce and support multihull dinghy sailing and racing to youth and adults under the age of 25 (hereinafter referred to as ‘Youth’. However, Foundation activities may also target adults over the age of 25. The Foundation’s activities should be limited to no more than 25% of the Foundation’s annual schedule and/or budget. The Foundation will seek to encourage Youth in multihull sailing and racing through fun events, clinics, regattas, and much more.

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