Sloop Tavern Yacht Club’s (STYC) Great Pumpkin Race is Sunday, October 20, and all entry fees will benefit the Ballard Food Bank!
Whether you’re looking for festive fall flavor, simply sublime sailing, or both, STYC race organizers have once again made some calls and asked the Great Pumpkin to bring sailors wind for the now penultimate race of their season. Pursuit start times will be based on the medium course length. The actual course to be sailed will be posted on the website by 9:00 Sunday and announced on the VHF at 10:00. The announcement will specify if the short, medium or long course is used depending on conditions at the time. The long course uses almost all of the marks, and the short course is just a slice of the pie. There are separate divisions for flying sails and non-flying sails. Check out the Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions for more information.
Your event coordinators have put together a fun event this year, “an” amount of candy corn, pumpkin pie, and hot cider. In case you don’t podium in this race (or if you do and you’re an overachiever); there is an extra chance to satiate your Halloween gourd…STYC is having a costume contest with special prizes going to the boats with The Best Boat (Crew) Costume, Scariest Costume, and a “Sloopiest” Slooper for the individual who really squashes the rest of the competition.
All competitors are welcome to join in for pumpkin pie and cider at the marina following the race. Awards will be announced at the gathering.
Check out for more information.

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