The fun crew at STYC is dialing up a brand new race over the winter holiday on December 26, 2023. It’ll be casual and probably chilly, and TOTALLY worth it.
Editor’s note: If we’re honest, adding new races to the Puget Sound regatta calendar can sometime feel like adding new throw pillows to your pocket cruiser — nice, but not really necessary and, let’s be honest…there’s probably not room. However! Sloop Tavern Yacht Club (STYC) has found a lovely spot to nestle in a new event that fits perfectly and is sure to please. Weeks from any other major event, and on a day when many will be on holiday — STYC is giving you a chance to shake off your yuletide stupor with a rollicking, if likely bracing, December sailboat racing hullaballoo.
The race team at Sloop Tavern Yacht Club is excited to introduce a brand new race on Boxing Day! Many members of our sailing community take advantage of the sometimes-extended holiday break to get out on the water for good times with great friends, and STYC is semi-formalizing the occasion in 2023 with a casual, take-your-time race that relies on the honor system. Watch the start of the illustrious Sydney Hobart on December 25 (December 26th on that side of the world), get super inspired, then come out for the STYC version of a Boxing Day race on the 26th! 100% less press coverage, same amount of fun.
First warning is at a civilized 12:55 p.m. on the waters outside of Seattle’s Shilshole Bay Marina. Racing will use the PHRF-NW handicap. There will be no committee boat nor formal awards, but bragging rights and exchanging stories at a favorite Ballard bar are always encouraged. The course will be announced on race page and over VHF per the the timing stated in the NOR. The race page also has the course length calculator. Come one, come all and have some fun.
Details about the race, which has now been added to the page as well, can be found here.

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