Diesel Deep Dive: Shifting The Marine Repair Paradigm

From the April 2021 issue of 48° North. Editor's Note: Diesel engine maintenance and repair can be a conundrum. Can and should boaters learn the basics and be able to do much of the work ourselves? Absolutely. Still, there…

5 Ways to Get Your Boat’s VHF Radio Ready for the Season

In recreational boating, cellphones are just fine for routine communications. So why do you need a VHF radio – either a handheld or fixed mount – on your boat? Because in an emergency it’s the only thing that can directly…

Close to the Water: Ruminating on Boat Paint with Peter Marshall

I’ve long been proud of the paint job on my boat. At the same time, I’ve also been a little insecure about it. Everything I know about painting I learned from books, chat boards full of opinionated armchair sailors, or my…

Race Ready Rigging Checklist

As the presenting sponsor of the SARC, PTR Rigging and Spars is committed to serving the racing community, helping increase knowledge and understanding, and improving every sailor’s experience on the water. This article from…

Test and Document Your Boat’s Power System

From the April 2021 48° North Issue. To keep everything working on your summer cruising adventures, spring is the perfect time to learn more about and test your boat's electrical systems. I like to say your boat has two…

Tips to Get Your Boat Out of its Winter Slumber

From the April 2021 issue of 48° North. One of the fortunate parts of being a boater in the Pacific Northwest is that the waters of the Salish Sea are open for year-round racing and cruising adventures. That said, most…

How-To Insulate Your Boat’s Windows

From the April 2021 48° North issue Spring is here, but outside it will still be predominantly cool and wet for a few months. Conversely and unsurprisingly, we would prefer the inside of our boats to be as warm and dry as…

Cheesemaking a Cruiser’s Guide

This month’s Galley Essentials was written by Fi while she was cruising Australia. When Fi joined us on a South Pacific sailing expedition, we caught a glimpse of her talents as an Irish dancer but she did not let on that…

Artist’s View: Sea Gooseberry

From the March 2021 issue of 48° North. Imagine, if you will, it’s a spring evening and you glance over the rail. A small round and luminous clear orb of jelly the size of a marble seems to swim by your boat. It’s underwater…

The Nuts & Bolts of Lithium Power Systems

Tech Talk with SeaBits From the February, 2021 issue of 48° North. Lithium battery systems have become increasingly popular in the last few years, and offer a wealth of benefits for boats. However, there are some…