A beloved Salish Sea cruising stop has recently received upgraded stern tie chains thanks the BC Marine Parks Forever Society.
Boaters will see improved stern ties when visiting Jedediah Marine Provincial Park. The stern tie pins and chains in Deep Bay have been upgraded with the replacement of several pins and all of the chains with galvanized materials. In addition, a high-visibility marker has been added to make each of the 17 stern ties visible along the shoreline. This project was initiated by the BC Marine Parks Forever Society and completed by the Park Operator, Innovative Aquaculture Products Ltd of Lasqueti Island. The Society supplied all materials and shared the installation costs with BC Parks.
Stern-tying to dedicated chains is safer for boaters who will no longer have to clamber over slippery rocks. Trees won’t suffer abrasions and the seabed will enjoy less scouring from anchor chain being dragged back and forth.
Read more about Jedediah Island in this piece by Laura Upham from the July 2022 issue of 48° North: Echoes of a Homesteading Past on Jedediah Island.
Park Overview:
Jedediah Island Marine Park is located between Lasqueti and Texada islands in the Strait of Georgia off central Vancouver Island. It has long been a popular destination for recreational boaters and kayakers and is the largest and most diverse of a chain of more than 30 islands and rocky islets located north and west of Lasqueti Island. The interior of Jedediah is comprised of forest ecosystems where you will see a variety of mature tree species, including Douglas fir and arbutus, intermingled with rocky outcrops. In several areas evidence of previous human settlements are evident. A rich marine environment encircles Jedediah Island, which offers secluded bays and coves for safer harbour.
Jedediah’s isolation and tranquility make it an excellent destination for kayaking and wilderness camping. What sets Jedediah apart is its size. It is one of the largest island parks in the province. Some of the best camping areas are near the shoreline around Long Bay. Small bays on the east side of the island provide campers with a little more privacy, especially during the summer at the height of kayaking touring season, when the island can get quite busy. And cruising boaters will love the new stern tie equipment in Deep Bay on the northwest side of the island.
Information on Jedediah Island is at: www.bcparks.ca/jedediah-island-marine-park/
Go to www.bcmpfs.ca for information about BC Marine Parks Forever Society.
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