Racing,Featured,Events Coverage
Race Week Announces Change of Venue from Point Roberts to Anacortes
October 28, 2020
What PNW sailboat racer didn't feel Race Week's absence this year? The summer's pinnacle sailboat racing event will now take place in Anacortes in June 2021.
by Joe Cline
Boating News,Featured,Events Coverage
Cancellation of Beloved PNW Summer Boating Events Announced
April 24, 2020
Local Boating Organizations Have Made Final Decisions to Cancel Summertime Events With the summer boating season fast approaching in the Pacific Northwest and the effects of COVID-19 still bringing restrictions and…
Race Week Moves to Point Roberts in 2020
March 28, 2019
This announcement should be big news to sailboat racers around the Pacific Northwest. Read on for my take, as well as the press release from Race Week. For another take, be sure to check out my 48° North colleague, Kurt…