Lightning Strike on the Wesley Ann

My mom has always said, “Boating is never a vacation; it’s always an adventure.” That proved true for our family of four while cruising the San Juan Islands during the summer of 1978. Mom and Dad had anchored our 26-foot…

Boat Geeks Podcast: 48° North Columnist Bruce Bateau

48° North columnist Bruce Bateau sat down with The Boat Geeks Podcast at the Wooden Boat Festival in Port Townsend to chat about small boat cruising. Bruce is a small boat cruiser, and his enthusiasm is contagious. He has…

Editor’s Letter: Anchorages and Marinas

A while back, I found myself in a casual conversation with other cruisers when someone commented, “We always anchor, we never go to marinas.” “Ok, that’s fine,” I remember thinking at the time. Conversations like these…

#TBT: Trekka Sails Again

trekka In our latest Throwback Thursday, we…

Embracing Offseason Cruising

The Wonders of Winter Cruising In Our Own Backyard

Cruising’s Magical Moments

Reminiscing on the highlights of cruising in the wondrous Salish Sea Our boating has been filled with memorable moments. There was that first, and thankfully only, moment I forgot to shorten the dinghy towline before setting…

Anchoring Insights from a Surprise Storm

Wouldn’t it be great if anchorages were always as serene as they look in cruisers’ pictures? Alas, that’s not a reality all of the time. Anyone who’s cruised on a sailboat for an extended period will eventually find…

Shifting Gears: Skipper Tek and Sea Lab

A Summer South Sound Cruise Brings Learning and Discovery We arrived at Latimer’s Landing near the Harstine Island Bridge right at high tide. Our C-Dory 22, Sea Lab, was in tow to begin this summer’s boat vacation in the…

Destinations: Cozying up to Waiatt Bay

Enjoy our latest installment from Lynne Picard of about a favorite anchorage on British Columbia's Quadra Island. With unsettled weather in our late-season forecast, we wanted a sheltered place to drop the…

#TBT: Savoring the Fall Cruising Season

In our latest Throwback Thursday, 48° North Editor Andy Cross offers up some tips for fall cruising success in the Pacific Northwest.  With Yahtzee in a full sprint southward down Padilla Bay, I sat to leeward, looked up at…